Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Your Have Been Invited!

 1st Annual North OC FCA Fundraising KickOff- Free Dinner Event for the 2012-13 School Year

"Save the Date"- September 15th 6:30-8:30

Location: Rick and Debra Rodriguez
235 S. Remington Ct. Anaheim Hills, CA 92087

More Details on this event will be coming soon......
But as for Now, we are praying and believing this event the North OC FCA Advisory Board is hosting, will help take the pressure off and get the 2012-13 school started off better than any other year. As you know each year we are emailing and meeting at each school to try and raise money for the kids and their needs to have their yearly FCA on school campus. Our hope is that this event will help the parents and students raise monthly supporters and one time donations that will allow us all to meet our annual operational cost of $96,000 (Yes, donations can be made to a specific school, this is the total for all of North OC). This event is thrown by the FCA Board of North Orange County . We encourage you to come out and meet our mayor, some school officials, Teachers, Chaplains, Former Pro's, and other mothers and fathers that compose of our North OC FCA board and team. Guest will receive Free FCA gift packets (shirts, info, material, ect..). God bless it, we will grow in relationships with other parents,  be encouraged, informed, and inspired as we work together for the youth and school campuses of North OC.

The needs are very specific:
  1. $20,000 will give 20,000+ kids and 9 school campuses the chance to receive the gospel message weekly on their school campus from guest speakers, interns, and staff as well as Free:- Bibles, Tracks, FCA magazines, Food, Books, and FCA Apparel here in North OC .
  2. $20,000 or more will allow 2-3 college or recent college grad students paid intern positions and staff operational cost.  Click here for online Application
  3. $15,000 or more will go to the annual North OC FCA college scholarship funding for 2-4 high school students that meet these requirements-  Click here for the online Application
These top three will fluctuate based on the needs and demands of each area. Of course if we raise more than $96,000 more money will be placed in the Scholarship funding and/or reserved for FCA Summer camp scholarships, and/or the following year's operational cost.

     4. North OC FCA Rep Staff Salary will not exceed $40,000

In this we will be helping the students create a place on campus where they can stand for Christ, others can here his word, receive him, and grow in him. Student leaders for Christ will be developed. Families and 9 or more schools will be impacted for Christ here in North OC. Jesus Christ will walk in the hearts of his children.

AS of right now we have $4,000 remaining from the year prior on a budget of $55,000.

You can go ahead and RSVP to this email- TMilby@att.net 
  • You also will be receiving other E-vites, emails, and direct mailing invitations on this event.
  • If you would like to get involved with this event email Tiffany Milby at- TMilby@att.net
If you already know you can not make it the night of the 15th of Sept and God has laid it on your heart to donate you can do that here as a one time gift or a monthly partner-

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