Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Your Have Been Invited!

 1st Annual North OC FCA Fundraising KickOff- Free Dinner Event for the 2012-13 School Year

"Save the Date"- September 15th 6:30-8:30

Location: Rick and Debra Rodriguez
235 S. Remington Ct. Anaheim Hills, CA 92087

More Details on this event will be coming soon......
But as for Now, we are praying and believing this event the North OC FCA Advisory Board is hosting, will help take the pressure off and get the 2012-13 school started off better than any other year. As you know each year we are emailing and meeting at each school to try and raise money for the kids and their needs to have their yearly FCA on school campus. Our hope is that this event will help the parents and students raise monthly supporters and one time donations that will allow us all to meet our annual operational cost of $96,000 (Yes, donations can be made to a specific school, this is the total for all of North OC). This event is thrown by the FCA Board of North Orange County . We encourage you to come out and meet our mayor, some school officials, Teachers, Chaplains, Former Pro's, and other mothers and fathers that compose of our North OC FCA board and team. Guest will receive Free FCA gift packets (shirts, info, material, ect..). God bless it, we will grow in relationships with other parents,  be encouraged, informed, and inspired as we work together for the youth and school campuses of North OC.

The needs are very specific:
  1. $20,000 will give 20,000+ kids and 9 school campuses the chance to receive the gospel message weekly on their school campus from guest speakers, interns, and staff as well as Free:- Bibles, Tracks, FCA magazines, Food, Books, and FCA Apparel here in North OC .
  2. $20,000 or more will allow 2-3 college or recent college grad students paid intern positions and staff operational cost.  Click here for online Application
  3. $15,000 or more will go to the annual North OC FCA college scholarship funding for 2-4 high school students that meet these requirements-  Click here for the online Application
These top three will fluctuate based on the needs and demands of each area. Of course if we raise more than $96,000 more money will be placed in the Scholarship funding and/or reserved for FCA Summer camp scholarships, and/or the following year's operational cost.

     4. North OC FCA Rep Staff Salary will not exceed $40,000

In this we will be helping the students create a place on campus where they can stand for Christ, others can here his word, receive him, and grow in him. Student leaders for Christ will be developed. Families and 9 or more schools will be impacted for Christ here in North OC. Jesus Christ will walk in the hearts of his children.

AS of right now we have $4,000 remaining from the year prior on a budget of $55,000.

You can go ahead and RSVP to this email- TMilby@att.net 
  • You also will be receiving other E-vites, emails, and direct mailing invitations on this event.
  • If you would like to get involved with this event email Tiffany Milby at- TMilby@att.net
If you already know you can not make it the night of the 15th of Sept and God has laid it on your heart to donate you can do that here as a one time gift or a monthly partner-

Thursday, August 2, 2012

2012-13 North OC FCA Internship

If you know of any college students or recent grads that would be interested in a paid internship with North OC FCA please send them to this website- 2012-13 FCA Internship

2012 FCA Camp at UCLA

Every summer we host our annual FCA Sports camp at UCLA for a week. Over 1,000 high school, college, and pro players and coaches come together to help high school players improve athletically and encounter Jesus Christ powerfully. By far this is one of my best weeks out of the whole year. If there was one camp that I highly encourage your child to go to in their life it would be this camp. Over half the people that come to this camp every year make a commitment to recieve Christ into their life. This year was another great camp to see so many kids impacted for Christ. Here below are some pictures at this year's camp. Guest this year where many including Matt Barkley, Tim Tebow, Carl Hulick and many more....

Friday, June 22, 2012

Missions Trip

Impacting the City of Hayward and the Native American Community

June 14-20 I went on a missions trip to Hayward, WI. One of my closest friends coaches for the Packers and he and I spent four days in Hayward, WI reaching two communities.

In this trip, my friend spoke to three Church services on father's day. But our other efforts went to the Native Americans reservation and to Hayward high school. The stats are quite alarming that only 10-18% of natives in this community are Christian. That only 28% obtain a college degree of all American Natives. The poverty and quality of life for the kids can be depressing. The kids have it tough day to day on these reservations and its hard to see them making it. Well, we brought the good news some and spent the day speaking at their gang/prevention center and the "boys and girls club". It was capped off by workout and speaking to the athletes at Hayward high school about Jesus Christ. All in all, it was a trip where we grew as men of God and God moved in two communities.

Native American- Boys and Girls Club

Native American- Gang Prevention Center

Hayward High School

Two Natives and I

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


1st Annual FCA Kick Off Event- is a social/ fundraiser kickoff event to raise awareness and operating cost for kids and families to have FCA on their local campus and within their community for the 2012-13 school year. That will be taking place in early September of each school year. Be passing the word and inviting parents and friends. TBA..

* This summer we will be hosting our annual FCA summer Camp at UCLA- info below.
* We are currently taking applications for 2012-13 paid North OC FCA Interns.

* December we will be taking Applications for 2013 Scholarship awards


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Student Leaders Reaching Many

Throughout the month, FCA's focus was on the leaders sharing their testimony. Its important to point out again that many of our leaders and those involved with FCA are not athletes. FCA is a platform for students to learn to take their hearts and talents and use them for Christ.
The leaders stepped up and spoke out. So many students within the past few months have made decisions to commit their life to Christ and some of the leaders decided that they would all finishthe year sharing with their peers what their walk with Christ is like. It was a time for the leaders to follow up and share their steps they made when they gave their life to Christ. It was a time of impact as the leaders did an awesome job of reaching many. A special thank you to all the supporters and parents that are supporting and helping the kids make this all happen. From the pizza to the prayer, a difference is being made...

These are just some of the 110-120 leaders that we equip, assist, and mentor here in North OC.

Our goal is to have a "Free Stuff" table for all the schools like this for the 2012-13 school year. Along with interns, more volunteers, as well as scholorships for kids to attend college.
Here we made some follow up cards to pass out to the students, had bibles, Phil 4:13 Bands, FCA magazines, and FCA tracks.

2012 North OC FCA College Scholarship Award Winner

Skylee Sheard was named to our 2012 FCA College Scholarship award.

We are Currently Taking Applications

For the 2012-13 school year North OC FCA is looking to hire 2-3 Interns.
Our Goal is to hire 2-3 college interns to a one year contract each school year. If you know anyone that would be interested in a paid intern position for FCA in North Orange County here is our online application.

Click Here - North OC FCA Intern Application

FCA Baseballl & Vote/Pray for Mike and Mark

Guys, not sure if you are aware, but God has brought us a full time staff member for FCA baseball in Orange County. From little league, up to high school, and college, FCA baseball is breaking through. Click here for their link to check out how you can get involved.

Guys, please join us in prayer for Mark and Mike and Go Vote for both of them. Both of these baseball guys are in our community and have been apart of North OC FCA since the start.

Vote for Mike Lorenzen from CSUF baseball to win the Fan's Choice award -  Click here to Vote for Mike Lorenzon

Vote for Mark Trumbo for his 1st time All Star at 3rd Base-
Click here to Vote for Mark

Thursday, May 31, 2012

FCA UCLA Summer Camp 2012

Quick reminder that we have our annual summer camp coming up at the end of June from 29th- to July 3rd. It by far is the best Christian sports camp you will find. 900+  high school athletes mentored by college Christian athletes and coaches, living in the UCLA athletes dorms, on campus practice twice a day, worship/concert/gospel message each night. Parents are welcome and invited up Friday and Saturday at anytime. We highly recommend parents come slide in for a day and evening.
Please contact Brad Stanfield at bstanfield@fca.org if any parents want to come. He wants to accommodate you and plan for your arrival.

If you are still interested in getting your child into camp there are still some spots open. 85% of the kids from North OC recieve scholarship support in some amount and do not pay the full price. All form and links are at the bottom.

Here is a video of camp last year-

" This camp is amazing. I meet new brothers and friends competing for Christ and I look forward to it every year." Junior- Yorba Linda high

" That camp changed my life" Senior- Canyon high

" I loved it. I going back again this year just for the worship. I play soccer competitively, but this year I am going to surf all day and worship at night." Junior- Orange Lu

Click here for more info and to SIGN UP!

Click here to Fill Out your Scholarship Form

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Chapman Head Football Coach Speaks Out

Tuesday at Villa Park, Chapman head football coach Bob Owens spoke at Villa Park high. It was a great time of influence and impact for the kids. The leaders are doing a great job on this campus. Special thank you to all the parents and supporters that are helping the students. Through you a difference is being made.

Navy Seal Continues to Reach Many

The students are doing a great job at El Dorado High. Monday they had Chad Williams come speak and he reached many. Over 275+ at EDHS came out to FCA. Chad continued to share stories about freedom, sacrifice, and our Lord Jesus Christ. It is really gripping to hear about those that have given their life so that we may live. Chad gave the invitation for those to enter into a relationship with God and close to 70 students made the decision to receive. A special thank you to the parents and supporters that are supporting the kids. Without you this is not possible.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Cardboard Testimony Video- Reaching Many

 This past month at El Dorado High the student leaders have been working on putting together a video showing some of their testimony. It took about 3 weeks to complete and they had around 300+ students come out to the gym to check it out. Please take a few minutes to watch the video. Special thank to all the parents that supported the kids in their efforts to make an impact. It could not have been done with out you!!

Click here to see the Video-

**Navy Seal Reaching Many- A Must read**

Recently former Navy Seal Chad Williams will be speaking for all the schools in the month of April in North OC, but this past month Chad was able to get to 3 schools and he by far has been the best speaker yet. He is reaching more than any speaker before. His first school, EHS Chad brought 30+ students to the Lord.

Chad's second school at YLHS where half in attendance stood up to receive the Lord. Chad explained a story where they were in a position at war where a hand bomb was thrown in on them in close quarters. Only one man would have been able to get out alive, yet that one man/solider was the one that dove on the bomb and gave his life so that the three others (chad being one of them) could live. Chad went on out of that story to share about what Christ did for us, who he is, and how he came for us. Over half of 185+ students stood up to receive Christ.

Former Gangster and Chick-Fila Reaching Many Students

Former Gangster Jon Sarinana has been coming around to all our schools and reaching many. John has an amazing story and he is truly making an impact on our kids within the schools. John was beat into a gang and addicted to drugs at 15. He was almost killed countless times, yet by 18 he was saved, cleaned, and back in high school. Throughout the rest of his school days John was an influence to many as to what God can do. John is now a local youth pastor and he is truly reaching many! Just the other day at Villa Park High, Sanctify church and Chickfila partnered with 200 chik-filas and John brought 12+ to receive the Lord. John has been an extreme influence where ever he has went and his story is truly reaching many.

CSUF FCA is Progressing

FCA at CSUF is progressing nicely. We have many student leaders there that are making a big impact on their teams, on their campus, and within the community. Just this past week we had 15-20 athletes all come for some games, a study, and prayer. Please conintue to keep them in your prayers.

FCA Alumni/ Current Notre Dame Volleyball- Andrea McHugh- Home and Reaching Many

Andrea went through FCA in high school at EDHS. While home on her spring break Andrea was able to get to two schools and reach out to the students with her testimony. She touched on the power of prayer and walking with God. She talked about her first year and a half away from home at ND and went on to give some powerful examples of how God had moved in her and her families lives. It was a huddle with solid impact.

Chapman Head Football Coach and One of his Players Reaching Many

This Wednesday the Head Football coach Bob Owens at Chapman and Jason Jacobbi spoke to the students at Orange Lutheran FCA. It was another great time of infulence and impact as they both allowed the students to see Christ in their life.

OC FCA Golf Tournament A Success

All of Orange County FCA Staff & FCA Baseball Staff

All the money we raised at the golf tournament will go to support you parents to enable your kids to get to FCA Camp this summer at UCLA at a lower price. We understand that not everyone can afford 550 dollars and therefore we have a golf tournament to have camp this summer and to help scholarship your kids at a lower price. Please contact me if you are interested in getting your son or daughter to camp. bstanfield@fca.org

My freind Sean Rooney who just came on Staff with FCA baseball, was this close to winning a new car. Anyone who made a hole in one won a new KIA.

Clean Water Project

Throughout all the schools we have partnered with Egypt Mckee and through the Clean water project and project Africa. All the students on every school campus are raising money, awareness, and some will physically be going to support kids that don't have clean water in Africa. They have been pushing all semester to get as many "life straws" sold as they can. One school at Canyon high has taken this school wide. Stay tuned till next month to see what the leaders of the school accomplish.

Each on of these is worth $25. It has 20+ filters in it and you can actually drink out of the toilet with it.